COVID-19 – support, funding and volunteer opportunities
A regularly updated page with important resources for the life sciences sector during this crisis period.
Alongside MedCity, advice and support for researchers and innovators is available from national life sciences and healthcare bodies.
ABHI is guiding the HealthTech community to support the national effort to provide life-saving health technologies to patients.
ABPI is working closely with the Department of Health and the NHS on how our members can best support the Government as plans evolve.
The AHSN Network is part of a coordinated NHS response to identify and enable the implementation of technologies that respond to the developing COVID-19 pandemic, in particular solutions for remote consultation and patient monitoring, diagnostics and point-of-care testing.
If you are a company or an innovator with a potential COVID-19 related solution, please contact the relevant national agency direct:
- Vaccines: Nervtag@phe.gov.uk
- Ventilators: 0300 456 3565 / support@beis.gov.uk
- Diagnostics: coviddiagnostics@phe.gov.uk
- Innovation & Technology: DNHSX@nhsx.nhs.uk
BioIndustry Association, the trade association for innovative life sciences in the UK.
Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy COVID-19 Support for Businesses.
Department for International Trade COVID-19 Webinar series.
KTN is working with Innovate UK and other organisations to connect those able to respond or adapt to the UK’s new challenges.
MHRA is prioritising work supporting and authorising the development of vaccines, clinical trials of new medicines and managing the supply of medicines and healthcare products.
MHRA Clinical trials helpline: Clintrialhelpline@mhra.gov.uk
Guidance for industry and manufacturers: COVID-19 tests and testing kits.
NICE has developed rapid guidelines and evidence reviews.
UKRI has two priorities: the safety and well-being of their workforce and, as far as possible, the continuation of business as a national funder of research and innovation. Visit the organisation’s “Coronavirus: the science explained” site for lots of helpful information.
Volunteer your help
Government call for COVID-19 testing kits and services.
Find forms and information here.
BEIS call for businesses to help make NHS ventilators.
For general support offers contact: gcfcovid19enquiries@cabinetoffice.gov.uk
For offers to support with testing contact: covidtestingtriage@dhsc.gov.uk
UK Real Estate Industry COVID19 Outreach for Support.
GoodSAM NHS Responders.
- Vaccines – nervtag@phe.gov.uk
- Ventilators: ventilator.support@beis.gov.uk
- Innovation/Tech: DNHS@nhsx.nhs.uk
Increasing testing and diagnostic capacity: Coviddiagnostics@phe.gov.uk
There are also efforts to encourage collaboration, including through a UK-based open innovation network for universities, research organisations, and businesses, CrowdHelix. They are seeking researchers & innovators worldwide with a strong track record of excellence in fields relevant to the global effort to tackle the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic.
Funding opportunities
Please see here for a regularly updated list of funding opportunities.