Digital health technology evidence and evaluation – a webinar series
MedCity has been closely involved in standard setting around evidence and evaluation of digital health technologies and streamlining assessment and our work on this continues.
Over the last two months we joined University College London (UCL), the Health Innovation Network and DigitalHealth.London to produce an innovative series of interactive webinars on evidence generation for digital health. The programme covered a wide range of issues relating to the topic with special reference to the transformation in the role of digital health brought about by the COVID-19 pandemic. Each of the webinars will be shared over the coming weeks, along with a series of blogs reflecting on the takeaways.
In the first webinar in the 2020 #EvaluateDigiHealth series, MedCity CEO Neelam Patel joined a panel of leading experts from the USA, Germany and the UK to discuss international perspectives on digital health evidence and regulation. The panellists discussed how far we’ve moved in the field of understanding evidence for digital health and the requirements for adoption into the health and care system, and explored questions including: Are countries around the world developing different evidence standards for digital health? And, what is the direction of travel?
Watch the full first webinar below or link to episodes two to four here:
Webinar Two: What can different academic disciplines bring to evaluating digital health?
Webinar Three: Can I trust digital mental health to work for me?
Webinar Four: Generating evidence for digital health – no magic bullets
Next month we’ll be sharing the industry perspective, providing reflections from some of the SMEs that joined the webinars. We’ll also be providing an update the evidence standard work and the latest from NICE. Stay tuned.
This content featured in the MedCity October 2020 newsletter. Sign up below to receive content like this once a month, direct to your inbox.