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New partnership programme in development from MedCity and GLA to boost diagnostic innovation

Rapid and accurate diagnostics has emerged a key factor in tackling the pandemic, and accordingly the UK government launched a £20m Medicines and Diagnostic Manufacturing Transformation Fund at the end of last year. The programme is designed to expand medicines manufacturing in the UK and create thousands of skilled jobs.

MedCity is also working on new initiatives to support diagnostic innovation, having identified this as an area of need to support the pandemic response and recovery. The first of these initiatives sees MedCity and the Greater London Authority working closely together to develop a cross industry collaborative programme.

By encouraging collaboration with academic, commercial and clinical partners, the programme will enable support of early stage diagnostics innovation being developed in London. It will be funded through the London Economic Action Partnership (LEAP), having received approval by the Mayor of London to support London’s economic recovery from the pandemic.

MedCity and the GLA are currently finalising the details of the programme, which will formally open for applications in May 2021.

We’ll be sharing more information on this programme and our other work in this area in the coming weeks. In the meantime, to express an interest in applying for, or partnering with us on this work, please contact

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