King’s Health Partners annual conference 2020
13 Oct 2020 - 14 Oct 2020
8:45 am - 1:45 pm
Virtual event
This landmark conference will see the launch of King’s Health Partners new five-year plan – ‘Delivering Better Health for all through High Impact Innovation’ ‐ and will see a broad spectrum of renowned speakers sharing their views on how it will drive real benefit to our patients and communities.
Bringing together an audience of health and care students, professionals and academics from across London and wider partnerships both national and international, the event will recognise the incredible work that has taken place ‐ and continues to take place ‐ across the partnership in response to COVID‐19. It will also take the time to celebrate our recent re‐designation as an Academic Health Sciences Centre.
This will be the last King’s Health Partners annual conference with the man who began the partnership – Prof Sir Robert Lechler, who will be sharing his reflections. It will also be the first with new Executive Director, Prof Richard Trembath, and we will have the opportunity to hear about his exciting vision.
Also on day one, you will hear about our work, key achievements and from external speakers who have been driving forces in healthcare.
During day two, we will build on what has been covered so far by holding focused workshops on each of the four themes of our five-year plan. This will be your chance to take part in productive discussions with key colleagues across the healthcare system on how we can best work together on our key priorities, so that we continue to deliver real benefits to our patients and communities across south London and beyond.
We very much hope to see you there for this unmissable event. Please register your attendance so we can keep you posted on the agenda and additional details as plans develop.