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MedCity celebrates 10 years

    This month, we celebrated the 10-year anniversary of the establishment of MedCity! The occasion gave us an opportunity to reflect on our achievements in growing London life sciences over the past decade, as well as a chance to share our exciting new branding and strategy.

    Created in April 2014 by the Mayor of London, MedCity was set up with the purpose of bringing together the life sciences strengths of The Golden Triangle of Cambridge, London and Oxford to support and promote investment, entrepreneurship and industry in the region.

    Throughout that time, we have acted as a front door for industry and investors looking for partners, infrastructure and expertise in the region. We have successfully supported both international companies and homegrown entrepreneurs to do business in the region and facilitate collaboration across all parts of the sector to turn innovations into commercial products and services.

    Over the last ten years, some of our achievements include:


    Capital raised by
    programme alumni


    500,000 ft²
    R&D space demand
    Events supported
    every year
    real estate
    planning supported

    Advanced Therapies
    Network Members


    Investor Network

    followers on
    LinkedIn and Twitter


    MedCity email
    newsletter subscribers
    Lab Providers
    Forum Members

    Milestone Timeline



    – MedCity and Angels in MedCity launch


    – MedCity sends first BioJapan delegation


    – DigitalHealth.London ‘Collaborate to Innovate’ launched
    – First R&D Space Demand Report published


    – First showcase for NIHR BRCs in London organised


    – Advanced Therapies Network launched


    – 1,000 clients served with front door service


    – Diagnostics innovator programme launched
    – 2nd R&D Space Demand Report published


    – First Community & Cluster Report published

    – Diagnostic Growth Hub appointed as NICE assessor


    – New industry-academia collaboration forms from Biomarker Matchmaking series
    – Roundtable on Clinical Trials & EDI


    – MedCity celebrates 10 years’ of success


    Looking Forward – New Strategy

    Following our 2023 merge, we will now go forward with a refreshed strategy as part of the London and Partners family. The new strategy will focus on areas with a specific barrier to growth and London-specific issues or solutions where no-one else is addressing the issue and our intervention can make a meaningful difference.

    Our revised mission is to: 

    • Act as an authoritative voice for Life Sciences in London 
    • Promote London as a destination for Life Science companies 
    • Support companies to grow in, and expand from London 
    • Communicate to policymakers the value of Life Sciences to the London economy 
    • Support the development of Life Science clusters 
    • Support companies to network, navigate and connect with the London Life Science ecosystem 

    We will achieve these objectives through 3 strategic pillars:

    PromotionEcosystem BuildersBusiness Growth and Investment
    Promoting and Celebrating Life Science in LondonDeveloping and Connecting London’s Life Science Districts and ClustersSupporting and Engaging London’s Life Science Companies and Communities
    • Acting as the unified voice for Life Sciences in London.
    • Communicating to policymakers the value of Life Sciences to the London economy.
    • Celebrating the London Life Science Ecosystem.
    • Promoting London as a destination for Life Science companies.
    • Maintaining international reputation/ credibility.
    • Supporting the development of London’s life science clusters through investment and development.
    • Bringing cluster leads together to address common issues and themes.
    • Bringing HEI leads together to address common issues around partnerships, spin-out companies and sector growth.
    • Increasing Foreign Direct Investment into London’s life science sector.
    • Supporting companies to Grow and thrive.
    • Convening life science communities to promote collaboration.
    • Supporting companies to network, navigate and connect with the London Life Science ecosystem.
    • Developing and executing specific support programmes.


    Anniversary Celebrations

    The MedCity team of eleven people celebrating in an office.

    To mark our ten-year anniversary, we held a celebration event with the wider Grow London team in our offices.

    As well as being a time of celebration, the gathering marked the beginning of a social media campaign which ran throughout April to highlight our impact over the past decade, and also provided us with an opportunity to think about the exciting new London Life Sciences campaign which we will be focusing on during the summer period.

    We are delighted to be continuing in our journey of developing London life sciences via the new strategy, ensuring that London remains among the best life science centres globally.

    Here’s to the next ten years!

    Contact us