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Advanced Therapy R&D and Manufacturing- Helping to Combat the COVID-19 Pandemic

17 Jun 2020
9:00 am - 10:15 am


Virtual event showcasing the versatility of ATMP manufacturing and Advanced Therapy research & development in tacking the COVID-19 pandemic

London Advanced Therapies (LAT) and their networking seminar arm – Advanced Therapies Network (ATN) joined forces with FIRM (Forum for Innovative Regenerative Medicine, Japan) to showcase the versatility of advanced therapies and ATMP manufacturing in helping to tackle the COVID-19 crisis.

Delivered by MedCity, scientists from the UK (Kings, Imperial and Crick), Germany (Miltenyi Biotec) and Japan (Helios, Anges) came together to discuss the different and innovative ways expertise was translated at great speed to help find solutions to the pandemic, from anti-body testing to treatments and vaccines.

With no two countries facing the same challenges this was a excellent opportunity to show how collaborations and fresh perspectives can help inform research and show how that research can be re directed to overcome new challenges.

The event, moderated by Farzin Farzaneh, Professor of Molecular Medicine at Kings College, London featured short presentations and live Q&A with a highly respected international panel.

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