Launch of UKAT and Challenges in Clinical Trials in Advanced Therapies
18 Nov 2021
4:00 pm - 5:30 pm
UKAT is a new initiative to join up centres of excellence across the UK, to catalyse collaboration and innovation in Advanced Therapies.
The UKAT initiative is made possible with the support of Research England’s Connecting Capability Fund and will bring together UK- wide partners encompassing partners from the London, Northern, Southwest, Northern Ireland and Scotland Advanced Therapies.
Presentations from the AT regions
- Welcome- Francesca Gliubich, Director of London and UK AT, King’s College
- Northern Ireland AT- Francesca Gliubich on behalf of Northern Ireland AT
- Southwest AT- Prof. Moin Saleem, Paediatric Nephrologist, Bristol Children’s Hospital
- Northern AT- Helen Cole, Industry Partnership Manager, NHSA
- Scotland AT– Dr Alison Dun, Executive Director, SULSA
Panel discussion and Live Q&A on challenges in clinical trials in Advanced Therapies
Next challenges in clinical trials in advanced therapies: Advanced therapy medicinal products (ATMPs) is a new product category, which is at the heart of concern since it has to deal with diseases in which traditional medicine has proven to be ineffective so far. The aim of this review is to provide evidence for the state of the art ATMPs and their modern applications in the field of regenerative medicine. Clinical development of ATMP encounters specific challenges due to the nature of the product and the limited availability of non-clinical data. The gold standard of a controlled, randomized, clinical trial may not be feasible or ethically justified for all indications, particularly in life-threatening diseases, where there is no satisfactory standard of care.
Speakers and moderator for panel:
- Jacqueline Barry, CGTC as moderator
- Robin Ali, Head, KCL Centre for Cell and Gene Therapy
- Bijan Modarai, Professor of Vascular Surgery
- Uta Griesenbach, Professor of Molecular Medicine, Imperial College London
- Dr Michela Guglieri, Senior Clinical Lecturer, The John Walton Muscular Dystrophy Research Centre, Newcastle University
To register for the event please see here