Osaka Biotech and Pharma Networking Event
4 Dec 2023
12:00 am
(see map)
A partnering event with Japanese companies, alongside a number of international clusters and public agencies.
Join us for this excellent partnering opportunity bringing together Japanese companies with international clusters, public agencies and industry in Australia, Canada, New Zealand, Switzerland and United Kingdom.
Hosted by Osaka Bio Headquarters, this event will cover two main purposes:
1. Networking and 1-on-1 meeting with international companies.
On our free online platform, you can create your profile to promote your business, technology, assets and etc. If interested in other organisations, the platform enables you to reach out and set up online meetings.
2. Learning about local ecosystems through our webinars
Through the daily webinars you can learn about local companies, institutions, soft-landing support and ecosystems of all participating countries. If interested in a particular region or organisation, you can contact them directly and organise a call.
This event will bring together research and industry from all of the listed countries, and will provide an excellent opportunity to present technologies for licensing, collaborations and investment. This also provides an excellent platform for sourcing partnering opportunities with a wide range of organisations. Presenting and partnering are both available for all participating companies and organisations.
Our participants on the BioJapan 2023 delegation have been invited, and are highly encouraged to submit applications.