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The Innovation Gateway Showcase

16 Jun 2022
2:00 pm - 4:00 pm


Showcasing The Innovation Gateway In Partnership with Medcity

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– Welcome

– Overview of The London Cancer Hub and the Innovation Gateway, and a short film about the facility

– Presentation from Prof. Paul Workman, The Institute of Cancer Research, London– an overview of The Institute of Cancer Research (ICR)’s offer to Innovation gateway tenants and life-science organisations- including the ICR’s broad capabilities and interests, and potential opportunities for partnering with industry to bring new cancer treatments and technologies to patients

– Presentation from Emily Curtis, The Exercise Clinic– overview and feedback on the facility

– The Institute of Cancer Research introduction- an overview of the ICR’s offer to Innovation Gateway tenants and life-science organisations.

– Presentation from Dr. Anguraj Sadanandam, The ICR– highlighting the enterpreneurial side of ICR’s culture, research in developing biomarkers to guide cancer treatment, and an overview of areas for collaboration with future tenants at the Innovation Gateway

– Presentation from Dr. Richard Lee, The Royal Marsden – The context of early detection, key trends in AI and blood biomarker research.

– Presentation from Dr. Christina Messiou, The Royal Marsden – A new reality for Imaging and Data Science

– Panel discussion and live Q&A

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