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UKAT: Introduction to the Innovation Hubs for Gene Therapies, in partnership with MRC and LifeArc

22 Nov 2022
4:00 pm - 5:30 pm


This event will introduce the Advanced Therapies Network to the Innovation Hubs for Gene Therapies.

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The event will introduce the Innovation Hubs through a series of short presentations giving an overview of the network, the three Hubs, and the process development and skills and training subcommittees followed by a Q&A. This webinar forms the first in a series of Innovation Hubs and ATN events to address key topics in gene therapy manufacturing and clinical development of novel gene therapies.

Objective/purpose of the event:

  • To showcase the Innovation Hubs to the Advanced Therapies Network community, and present the services offered by the network.
  • To introduce/discuss the current skills gap and process challenges facing the UK gene therapy community and how the Innovation Hubs is looking to address these.
  • To provide an opportunity for the community to ask questions about the Hubs manufacturing services and training / process innovation activities.


Speakers for the roundtable:

• Prof Simon Howell (Director of Academic Estates Strategy for Health Campuses, King’s College, London)

• Dr Sophie Mountcastle (Network Manager, Innovation Hubs for Gene Therapies)

• Prof Mimoun Azzouz (Director, Sheffield Hub / University of Sheffield)

• Prof Robin Ali (Director, London Hub / King’s College London)

• Paul Lloyd-Evans (Co-lead, Bristol Hub / NHSBT)

• Dr Piers Walser (R&D Lead, NHSBT)

• Dr Anji Miller (LifeArc)


Followed by Q&A

Running format/logistics:

 4.00-     4.05pm               Welcome to the topic and introduction of speakers

 4.05-     4.45pm               Presentations

 4.45-     5.20pm               Roundtable with live Q&A from the audience


Please join us for the last UKAT event of this year and register here

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