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Collaborate to innovate
Round 1: Broad life sciences

Collaborate to Innovate Round 1 is an exciting programme in the broad life sciences domain which launched in early 2016.

Funding and partners

Funded by the Higher Education Funding Council for England (HEFCE) and match funded by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), with the aim to promote knowledge transfer and commercialisation of innovations.

Collaborate to Innovate Round 1 is managed centrally by MedCity and delivered through our academic delivery partners.

Collaborate to Innovate Round 1 targeted SMEs with ambitions to embark on innovative projects in the applied research/clinical domain, or who wished to bring new products and services to market. It matched the SMEs to academic research groups with complementary expertise.

The selected companies and academics are working on collaborative research projects (CRPs), in domains such as drug discovery, devices, diagnostics and digital health. There are fifteen projects supported by Collaborate to Innovate Round 1.

Our academic delivery partners

Collaborative research projects (CRPs)

Up to £100,000 support available in eligible costs

Typically 6-12 months in duration

All costs are borne by the academic partner

Projects are CRPS-driven

Unleashing innovation

Programme collaborations

Conforming to ERDF regulations, MedCity announced the chosen collaborations at a launch event on 16 March 2017.

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